Monday, May 6, 2013

Let the Good Times Roll.

School. Work. Boyfriend. Spring. Sunshine!

Life couldn't get any better.

I'm getting straight A's, I have the most amazing guy in the world by my side, and the sun is finally out in Rexburg. I seriously couldn't be more blessed right now.

This is also the month of my GOLDEN BIRTHDAY! For those of you who have no idea what that means, it means I'm turning 24 on May 24! Golden. But also OLD. Have I seriously lived for 24 whole years? That's nuts to me.

Anyway I've thought a lot lately about faith and I just wanted to touch on that for a second. Faith is a really hard principle. We talk about it all the time, (that part is easy), but actually doing it and putting it into action in our lives can be so difficult.

Elder Bednar, a modern-day apostle of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, describes receiving inspiration from God as seeing light in fog. You can see just enough to move ahead of you, and then a little more, and a little more. It takes FAITH to step forward into the fog, but with that faith comes trust that God will keep up His end of the bargain.

I'm super grateful for the blessings in my life, and to know that faith leads to action. I'm also trying this new thing where I stay positive an happy through everything. It's making me a much better person.

Try it with me! :) Happy MAY!

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