Sunday, June 30, 2013

20 Reasons Why He's The Greatest Fiancé Ever.

I'm exhausted to the bone right now. With the heat in Rexburg, plus a few other things I'd rather not mention, I'm achy and tired and need my bed and a goodnight's sleep. But today I felt so blessed to have a fiancé that loves me so much so I want to blog 20 reasons why!! (There are more...many, many more.)

  1. Laughter is the best medicine, but you don't have to be sick to laugh. He makes me laugh harder than anyone else in the world.
  2. Those blue eyes. 
  3. He constantly wants to help me. He asks "what can I do?" as often as he can and it's so nice to know someone cares that much. Him being around is more than enough, every time.
  4. That guy can cook some delicious meals.
  5. I never get enough of his forehead kisses. Granted, I have a huge forehead so that makes it easy. 
  6. I've learned so much about forgiveness from him. He forgives all my mistakes and everything in between.
  7. He makes doing nothing so much fun.
  8. Who knew someone could have so much patience with a crazy woman like me!?
  9. He's not the least bit embarrassed to hold my purse in public when it's being really annoying and falling off my arm.
  10. We've been through some big trials already, and yet I feel like I could survive a zombie apocalypse by his side. (Let's be serious here, it's gonna happen.)
  11. I'm a girl who has a lot to rant about and I swear he has the most amazing listening abilities. I never feel ignored.
  12. He tells me I'm beautiful a lot. A girl needs that.
  13. You know the saying "you know me better than I know myself"? He really does.
  14. He always gives a solid effort at everything he does, and works hard for what he has. I really admire that.
  15. He never yells. Ever. And I think he's only been frazzled like twice in his life. (He doesn't like being frazzled.)
  16. We are the real life Jim and Pam.
  17. He's way more attractive than any super hero.
  18. Sometimes it's hard to have a positive attitude and not give up, but he reminds me that I can do anything as long as I stick with it and become the best. He makes me want to be the best I can be always.
  19. He loves my music and hearing me sing, even when I don't.
  20. The most important reason of all is that he loves me and makes me feel like a princess. Together we can do anything. 
I can't wait to be with him forever. I love you, Jon!


Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Defend the Truth.

The Supreme Court has officially ruled that the ban against same-sex marriage is "unconstitutional."

It's a big day for America. We have officially blurred the lines of truth.

I have no ill feelings towards homosexual people. In fact, I love them! But it saddens my heart that the world is forgetting where we came from and why we're here.

It completely makes sense to me why they are fighting so hard for this. EQUALITY. Men who like men and women who like women want to be able to enjoy all the benefits that come with marriage, even if it's not your traditional marriage.

However, the only way to create a family unit that lasts for eternity is by marriage between a man and a woman. 

Physically two of the same gender cannot create a family. Men and women have different traits that are embedded within them to raise children that will not give those children the same experience without one or the other. 

I can guarantee you all, religious or not, that when we start losing our grip on right and wrong (which has been happening for a while) that's when the government, this blessed country, and all the freedoms we enjoy will fall to the ground.

I'm so grateful to live in the USA and have the blessings of freedom of speech and religion. I just hope that I can be a force for good to remind others that God has a plan and whether you believe in Him or not, whether you accept that plan or not...

it's the truth.

Click here for my complete view as a Mormon on marriage and the family.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Jon Day Weekend.

Saturday was a day I declared as "Jon Day."

I really wanted to give him a whole day where he felt important and we did whatever he wanted without my complaints. Plus, he'll be up here without me on his birthday this year.

It started with me waking up at 6:30am on a SATURDAY (that's true love) to make and bring him breakfast before work. (Side note, I can't wait until we don't live in separate places. It makes making breakfast for someone pretty ridiculous.) Then that afternoon after he got off work we drove down with his coworker to SLC!

No plans. Just us and our duffle bag of overnight stuff. We felt like nomads and kinda liked it.

We decided to go to the Utah Art Festival which was really fun. I swear, I could have fun staring at a wall with that boy! And actually at one point, we were staring at a wall...except there were people dancing on it! It was pretty rad.

We were determined to buy our first piece of art for our first little apartment, but soon realized everything was way overpriced and we could just buy some canvas and make our own.

We got to spend time with our great friends Amber and Jordan (and their cute little nugget Harrison) who not only let us stay with them after our plans got smashed, but also gave us their old car.  For $1. No, I'm not kidding. We owe them. Plus they're the world's cutest family! :)

Sunday we spent time with David and his wife Sarah and our good friend Andrew. It was like old times but in new times, if that makes sense. It was really fun. I think the best part of it all was Jon and I realized how excited we are to be married and to have a life together. I had heard all the time that love only grows stronger, but this weekend it all made sense. I feel so lucky!!!!!!!!! I can't wait until this semester is over and it's our big day!!

So that was that. We got to Utah as homeless, carless nomads, and left driving our old school '94 Corolla back to Rexburg.

 I'd say this was the weekend to top all weekends.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Granny Smith Apples.

So I'm not a huge apple fan, but if I'm in the mood for a Granny Smith apple, I will down that thing.

Which is what I just did.

It was so delicious.

I went to the little store on campus to buy Jon a Twix because, well, I'm the greatest fiance ever, and I was about to get one for myself when a shiny green apple was calling to me. Seriously I could hear it, "Eat me instead of chocolate! Pilates kicked your butt this morning, don't let it go to waste! Don't you want to fit in your wedding dress?!?!?!!?!?!"

Gah, you win apple.

But it was a good choice and I'm satisfied. Even FULL! Surprising, I know.

What this rant is really about is health and dieting. I won't say much except for that I am just NOT one of those people who will ever completely cut out sugar, I love ice cream and pizza too much, and soda is sometimes the only thing that can quench my thirst.

However, ain't nothing wrong with eating lots of fruits and vegetables and moderating sugar. Exercise is good too but good heavens let's not compare ourselves to other people! (Yes, ladies, that means YOU!) I've come to grips that I have a "pear shape" body that carries most of my weight in my hips, and I'm okay with that. I want to be healthy but never so concerned with it that I'm embarrassed of myself or lacking confidence.


That's not an excuse to be unhealthy and obese, but it is a reason to celebrate whatever SHAPE God has given you.

Even if you're the shape of a Granny Smith apple.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Blog Slacker.

I have totally been slacking on updating and with good reason. Busy time in my life, I'd say. Not an excuse though! I need to keep it up.  This is my journal considering writing a journal takes too long and for some reason being live on the web for all the world is more thrilling.

Anyway, this is life right now! All about my amazing fiance, wedding planning, job hunting, and prayers for my dad.

My dad got really sick last week and we found out he had an infection in his colon. Since then he's had surgery, struggled a bit with the aftermath, but is now home just in time for Father's Day. Thank goodness. I would hate for him to spend more time in the hospital. It hurts not to be there to help my family but I know the Lord is watching over them.

But with rain, comes rainbows.

Jon and I have been steadily planning our wedding and trying to balance out a plan for the future, school, and me hunting for a full-time job for Fall. But through all the craziness and stress we experience, we always find time to recognize how blessed we are and how much we love each other. We are convinced that we are soul mates. Though we never believed that was true, we feel like God had to made us predetermined to find each other because there is no way our dumb selves could have done it on our own. He's really my better half and my best friend and I'm so lucky to marry him.

We took engagement pics today which was so fun! My adorable roommate and good friend Ali took them for us with my fancy camera so that I could basically control it and then edit them. It was good times. We're such nerds!! It was hard to get a normal picture out of us but we managed.

So life is good. It's definitely a roller coaster...but roller coasters are FUN!!!!!