Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Stories We'll Tell Our Kids.

Every young, married couple goes through this. The time when you're pinching pennies and eating 88 cent bread from Wal Mart. Yep, that's us this week. (Makes for some great PB&J.)

Wife is not starting classes again until April, so she's working 2 jobs. One is counting as an internship so that's cool. Even with the hard work, the money is tight and she gets stressed some days since the break doesn't come til the weekend. Husband is going to school this semester and will soon be taking 15 credits every semester so we can both graduate together DECEMBER 2015. It's so close we can taste it. He's majoring in Business Management and loving it, but it's definitely a lot of work.

Through all the money stress and the adventure plans and the late nights, we know these are the stories that we'll tell our kids and they will end up being some of the most important moments of our lives. Our love grows stronger everyday when we work together as a team. We serve each other through our exhaustion and make each other laugh and remind each other that it'll be ok. It's great knowing you can take on the big challenges of life with your spouse, who just happens to be your best friend. We are grateful for these tough times. They bring us together and make us realize just how lucky we are.

"With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” – Dr. Wayne W Dyer

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Do I Look Like Michael Phelps?

This is purely a Steffany rant. You've been warned.

Husband and I have found a new love. Our on-campus swimming pool. It's always almost empty, it's great exercise, and I'm facing a fear that I didn't even realize I had.

Back story...ever since I was little I had to have little microscopic tubes put in my ears and it made me not be able to swim underwater without wearing ear plugs and a cap. I would have looked like an awesome swimmer, except I was too young to decide what cap I wore (or care) so my mom thought a rainbow one would be appropriate. (I just laugh when I see those photos. Really mom? Rainbow?)

Anyway even with this problem I was still a fish. I remember even jumping off the highest diving board at the public pool during summer day care and everyone thinking I was awesome. Rainbow cap and all. But somewhere along the way I must have had a dream I drowned or something ridiculous because I became super scared of the deep end, going underwater, and jumping off the diving board.

BUT thanks to my awesome husband, I'm loving swimming again! Tonight was our second time this week going to the pool and it pumped me up to get good at swimming. I went under, jumped off the diving board (after a little encouragement from Jon and the lifeguard) and swam laps the real swimmer way! No more doggy paddle for me, I'm pretty much Michael Phelps.

I'm just waiting for Subway to ask me to be in their commercials.

Yay for swimming and awesome husbands!


Saturday, January 11, 2014

Nike Training Club!

Our 2014 of healthy, hot bods is underway and we have been doing pretty good. We've avoided sweets and cooked healthy meals at home and it's been great! Yesterday was date night so we gave ourselves a little cheat day with some Blisters BBQ (so delicious) so we woke up this morning and worked it out!

Jon has this app on his phone called Nike Training Club, which we discovered is app for women's training but we'd like to see any dude try to do it without breaking a sweat. It has some super tough workouts and we're loving it. It's something good to do at home since it's cold and snowy and no one really likes going to the gym.

We're just excited to be healthy after a Christmas of binge eating which we all are guilty of. Plus someday when we have kids, (like 10 years from now as Jon would say...) we want to teach them good eating habits and healthy lifestyles so we have to live it ourselves first! Doesn't mean we won't enjoy an occasional treat in moderation! :)

Get up, get out, and get some!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Healthier 2014.

This weekend was not such a fun one! Wife got sick with some crazy stomach thing on Saturday and Husband spent all day taking care of her. With a short trip to the hospital and a seemingly unnecessary painful shot to the hip muscle (hurt so bad!), today is looking much better.

Work and school starts Monday (tomorrow)! It's exciting, especially because we decided last minute that Jon should go to school instead of work. It all fell into place once again and it'll be another great semester of adventures!

Something we're trying to do this year is eat REAL FOOD, exercise regularly, and do lots of physical fun sport activities together to lose some weight and get in shape. The day Steff got sick was the day we got home after eating mostly junk over the holidays, so it was a big wake up call for us. We're looking forward to cutting out fast food and soda and as much of the processed crap as we can. It's not even hard!

We started off with REAL cookies, because what better way to start a healthy diet than with sweets?! :) They were made with sweet potatoes and although they weren't as sweet as your normal cookie, they were really, really good!!! It's all about alternatives.

We hope you might jump on the real food 2014 bandwagon with us and enjoy a great, healthy year! We're no experts, but we'll let you know what we're doing and how it's going for us!

Hooray for new beginnings!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2014 & Resolutions.

It's TWO THOUSAND FOURTEEN! What the heck??? Where has time gone!?!? This is one of the oldest pictures we have of us, and it's amazing to think how far we've come together and individually. 

New Year's Day is usually when everyone starts getting ready for a brand new year of losing that extra 5 pounds or more, giving up soda, and trying to be more positive. Even though we are doing those things too, a big focus for us is to have adventures and make memories that will last forever. 

We're stoked for what 2014 has in store.

We just hope it's not too much more of Miley twerking.