Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Best Turkey You Ever Had.

We hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We sure did, with TONS of food and the best dang turkey ever! Definitely the best part is the second and third turkey dinners after the initial holiday feast.

Ours was spent in Utah with family. Jon's parents even came up from California so it's always good to see them! There was so much extended family that we had our dinner in a dance studio! That was a first. Instead of a post-dinner nap, we went and saw the new Disney flick Frozen afterwards and that was SO GOOD. Totally loved it, our new fave. 

Spent Friday overcoming our food coma and went and saw the Temple Square lights. That was pretty as always, and not too cold which is a plus! Of course we had to have In N Out and some Sweet Tooth Fairy Cakebites before we left to come home. We definitely ate way too much and had one too many sugar rushes, but we're determined to work it off before Christmas treats roll around.

All in all it was a good little getaway. Now it's back to the grind of the last 3 weeks of school. 

Heaven help us.
 Our post-dinner faces.
If you put your hand on your hip, it makes you look skinnier! (Photo fact.)
 We stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Desmond and had plenty of treats and jokes to go around.
 The lights on Temple Square!
 In N Out and the tough, scruffy husband.
Saw some deer across the street when we visited Jon's aunt in the [beautiful] mountains of Bountiful. They weren't even scared of us. They were HUGE.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Hand-Me-Down Trees & Choco-Chip Cookies.

The time has come for us to put up CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS! We've had a few lights up in our living room, but our lovely aunt up here in Rexburg let us borrow a hand-me-down tree, so we stuck some lights and garland on it and we feel pretty dang festive! Also wrote "husband" and "wife" on some Wal-Mart stockings and hung em under the window. Some might say you HAVE TO wait until after Thanksgiving for decorations, but it's so late this year! Who wants to wait that long?!?!?! Not us.

Our house is also filled with the smell of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies! Because when you're home sick from church, it's the only remedy. That and naps.

We're heading down to Salt Lake for some family, Thanksgiving, and adventures this week, which are much needed because being in Rexburg too long makes you a little crazy. Then we'll be carpooling with friends down to California for Christmas and New Years which will be extra fantastic!! Warm, sunny Christmas! Don't be hatin!

Last night we saw Catching Fire and freakin it was amazing! Luckily we own the 3rd book so we're taking turns reading that. Jon has to read the first two still but how can you wait after seeing an epic movie like that! The next book series that will be turning into a movie soon that we must read is Divergent. Click the link; looks cool. We just bought the 1st  book so we're stoked!

Also our cat Boo has gotten a little insane lately biting us and being loco, but we think she just needs more play time. She's an indoor cat so if you don't tire her out she gets psycho. We're working on getting the laser pen out more since she loves it and runs around like a maniac. However, she refuses to do drugs because we bought her catnip and she's terrified of it. We love our drug-free feline.

That's it for us in our little basement. More to come after the holiday.

-The Faldmos

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The Newlywed Fifteen.

Couple post! 
Just so you can keep track...Steff & Jon

We know that there is such a thing as "Freshman Fifteen" when you go to college for the first time and gain 15 pounds. But we have also discovered the same thing happens as newlyweds! Not exactly 15 lbs yet...but getting close.

So here is the deal-e-o, this is most uncool. We are not going to have this become a newlywed twenty and then thirty. We are quick to react to this epidemic and have made the decision to make "life style changes" so we can change the current circumstances.

We aren't sticking to any particular diet trend, but instead going with the WOW (aka Word of Wisdom) slash trying to stay in shape via exercise! We're already sore from day 1 of our Pinterest workout (try it, it's intense) and plan on being healthy and happy starting now and continuing forever!!!!

The best part of this is not the blog we can write about, it's NINJA ULTIMA!!! Sounds pretty rad right? Well it is, for those of you that don't want to have to put a down payment on a blender this is the Blendtec's cheaper cousin. We just made our first delicious smoothies this morning and thanks to my 9 months of rigorous smoothie training at Jamba, they were amazing!

We aren't telling you all to become food fact we still enjoy the occasional cookie. (I love baking!!) But join us, especially you wedded lovers, on a journey to a healthy, long-lasting life!

-The FaldMOs

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Date Night Hangover.

No, we did not get drunk. We just had an epic date night that forced us to sleep in until noon.

Thursday night was tons of fun. I came home to Jon sitting at the kitchen table with homemade burgers and sweet potato fries, and 80s love songs playing in the background. Perfect much? We even cracked open a bottle of Martinelli's and pretended we were the fanciest, most romantic couple around.

Then we had some pumpkin pie and made awesome shirts for the Thor 2 premiere! I'm grateful I have a husband who enjoys doing silly creative things with me.

To get pumped for the movie we went rock climbing which was way fun. It's definitely a tough exercise but it's super enjoyable. Which I don't say about many exercises...

Thor 2 was epic. I loved it. Seemed like it went pretty fast and there wasn't as much fighting as I thought there should be, (it was actually leaning more towards a comedy), but I loved it. Loki is the most enjoyable character of all the superhero movies! Seriously.

So now it's Saturday and we are having PANCAKES because it seemed like I craved em every Saturday so now it's just like a mini tradition.

Also, Jon just put together a bed frame that was broken and he assumed I was posting something on Facebook about how attractive he is working with now I'm posting it on our blog. What a stud.



Monday, November 4, 2013

It's OUR Life Now!

Ever since getting married I've had this wandering thought of why the heck I am still blogging about myself and my life without letting my husband in on the action! After all, we're a team now. So with a little revamping, My Pink and Sparkly Life is now The Faldmos Happy Life!! We'll be updating individually and together and it'll be a really good read. So look forward to more interesting updates and always enjoyable stories of our life as The FALDMOS! 


Sunday, November 3, 2013


My Christmas lovin (and sass) began at an early age. 

Welcome to a new month! New holiday, new weather, and new warm clothes to break out!

It's November, also known as Novembray to people who like to change words around and make them cooler. It's the hipster in me.

I am still too excited for Christmas too early in the season, but it don't matter. I've got some lights up in the living room and the bedroom so the ambiance is already filling our house. I asked husband when I could put up our Christmas tree...he said after Thanksgiving when the normal people do. I'll keep working on him.

Currently we've enjoyed cooking meals together, watching Master Chef Junior and Shark Tank, spending at least one night a week laying in bed for hours talking and hanging out with no distractions, and this week we planned our future kids names. We wanted our first girl to be named Rosario after Jon's mission, but I was pretty frustrated after spending 30 minutes trying to figure out a kid name after my mission. Nothing to do with Temple Square worked out...oh well. Guess we could name one Homeless since there were plenty of bums around.

Life is good and I'm excited for Novembray! It's one month closer to Decembray which is CHRISTMAS!
