Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Stories We'll Tell Our Kids.

Every young, married couple goes through this. The time when you're pinching pennies and eating 88 cent bread from Wal Mart. Yep, that's us this week. (Makes for some great PB&J.)

Wife is not starting classes again until April, so she's working 2 jobs. One is counting as an internship so that's cool. Even with the hard work, the money is tight and she gets stressed some days since the break doesn't come til the weekend. Husband is going to school this semester and will soon be taking 15 credits every semester so we can both graduate together DECEMBER 2015. It's so close we can taste it. He's majoring in Business Management and loving it, but it's definitely a lot of work.

Through all the money stress and the adventure plans and the late nights, we know these are the stories that we'll tell our kids and they will end up being some of the most important moments of our lives. Our love grows stronger everyday when we work together as a team. We serve each other through our exhaustion and make each other laugh and remind each other that it'll be ok. It's great knowing you can take on the big challenges of life with your spouse, who just happens to be your best friend. We are grateful for these tough times. They bring us together and make us realize just how lucky we are.

"With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.” – Dr. Wayne W Dyer

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