Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Faldmo's HIPPIE Life.

The Faldmos are hippies now.

Just kidding.

We wish we could live out of a VW bus on the beach with no money, but it's impossible. At least for now. We did sell our tv yesterday though! Our living room is pretty big without a 50" plasma taking up space. Our desk is now being used as a desk and not a tv stand. Today we read and played music and took a nap and made dinner and actually talked to our parents. It was much more enjoyable than watching 100 movies.

Our plan is to save up some money and get some more adventures under our belt this summer. Because I mean honestly what's better, a giant tv or giant adventures?? Obviously adventures. YOLO!

Tomorrow Wife is getting surgery. Nothing big, they're gonna check around in her stomach and then possibly take her gallbladder out. It won't be the funnest thing ever but she'll survive. A few days off of work and some TLC from Husband will be great. Hoping for no complications and a quick recovery!

That's pretty much it for our update. Exciting things coming up with school and taking over the cake bites business and more photo shoots for Wife and pure good times.

Happy [almost] Spring! :)

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