The Supreme Court has officially ruled that the ban against same-sex marriage is "unconstitutional."
It's a big day for America. We have officially blurred the lines of truth.
I have no ill feelings towards homosexual people. In fact, I love them! But it saddens my heart that the world is forgetting where we came from and why we're here.
It completely makes sense to me why they are fighting so hard for this. EQUALITY. Men who like men and women who like women want to be able to enjoy all the benefits that come with marriage, even if it's not your traditional marriage.
However, the only way to create a family unit that lasts for eternity is by marriage between a man and a woman.
Physically two of the same gender cannot create a family. Men and women have different traits that are embedded within them to raise children that will not give those children the same experience without one or the other.
I can guarantee you all, religious or not, that when we start losing our grip on right and wrong (which has been happening for a while) that's when the government, this blessed country, and all the freedoms we enjoy will fall to the ground.
I'm so grateful to live in the USA and have the blessings of freedom of speech and religion. I just hope that I can be a force for good to remind others that God has a plan and whether you believe in Him or not, whether you accept that plan or not...
it's the truth.
Click here for my complete view as a Mormon on marriage and the family.
it's the truth.
Click here for my complete view as a Mormon on marriage and the family.
well said. thanks for sharing!