Friday, December 6, 2013

Veggie Week!

This week we embarked on a journey to be "weekday vegetarians" where you eat like a vegetarian during the week and on weekends it's free game. We wanted to incorporate healthier meals with veggies into our diet and less meat, trying to follow the Word of Wisdom which is a Mormon thing that "encourages us to eat plenty of the fruits and vegetables that are in season, plenty of grains and a moderate amount of meat." (Also no drugs, alcohol, smoking, etc. But we're good on that end.)

Lucky for us, we created a few delicious meals and snacks from scratch and it was really fun! Definitely got us thinking more creatively. Except yesterday Steff was feeling sick and down, so we gave up and split a Costa Vida Sweet Pork Burrito and were in heaven. Then today we ordered pizza. Can't say we're not disappointed that our inner fat kids won this round, but we'll keep trying to eat less meat, more veggies and fruit, and healthy stuff! We at least like eating it which is more than a lot of people!

And tomorrow we're throwing the first ever Faldmo Christmas Party and it's going to be RAD!! We'll be sure to take pictures and blog all about it. We have some sweet games and prizes and sweaters and other awesome stuff! Our tiny basement is going to be filled with crazy Mormons drunk on non-alcoholic eggnog and sugar.

Anyway you should all try veggie week! It helps you realize you don't have to eat meat so often. We are going to try again soon. AND here's a few of the yummy things we had this week...

 Mashed sweet potatoes are one of our favorite healthy treats/side dishes!

Homemade whole wheat pizza crust with pesto, tomatoes, mozzarella, a little cheddar, and red onion! YUM! 

Tomato soup and mozzarella grilled cheese.

Homemade granola bars with cranberries, pecans, and honey! MMM good!

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Thanks for the love!